An Aeta leader of the indigenous people of Zambales sings praise to the trees inviting all to protect them from destruction inside the SBMA Olongapo city Freeport at Subic bay.
The indigenous people (IP) of San Marcelino, Zambales expressed their thanks for the mediation of Mr. Alex Corpus Hermoso, in the peace forum and dialogue with the military last April 15, 09. The objective of the meeting was to discuss issues of human rights violations related to the military incurshions into areas sacred to the indigenous people.
Mr. Hermoso, the co-founder and program director of Preda is also assisting the IPs in Cabangan, Zambales to apply for a land title for their ancestral domain. Preda has promised funding from Fair Trade to help in saving the land from mining and loggers and restore it to their original owners, the Aetas of Zambales who have lived there for generations. They are among the oppressed and exploited people of the Philippines ever since the Spanish era. The initiative is now at the surveying stage and once a title is granted it will give the rights of ancestral domain to the Indigenous People. This will preserve the environment against further logging and exploitation and save the the flora and fauna within it which are all under threat from mining and logging.
Just recently, Misereor a German development agency and preda partner has approved a project to assiis the Aeta mango farmers to produce organic mangos.It will help the IP people survive in the modern economy.