Mangoes, despite its low level of antioxidant activity, have been found to prevent or stop certain colon, breast, leukemia, and prostate cancer cells.
It’s great to get good news about the wonders and benefits of nature for once after all the natural disasters experienced in the past few months around the world. Scientists at the Texas A&M University have discovered cancer retardants in the delicious mango fruit. The extract of mango, a naturally sweet tropical fruit can prevent, if not stop, the growth of cancer cells especially breast and colon cancer. The scientists Dr. Susanne Talcott and husband and co-researcher Dr. Steve Talcott released the scientific data recently saying the mango extracts “demonstrated some cancer-fighting abilities when tested on lung, leukemia and prostrate cancer cells”. When tested on breast and colon cancer cells, they had an even more robust anti-cancer effect, they said “In fact, the mango extracts caused the breast cancer and colon cancer cells to undergo apoptosis or programmed cancer cell death”, they said. The results of the studies have been posted on the Philippine Cancer Society’s web site.
This is a wonderful breakthrough for the Philippine mango which is already a strong export product; however, the real future in the world market is organic dried mango. NGO’s, developing agencies, investors would be wise to invest and help farmers to go organic and work for certification. Preda Fair Trade is training farmers how to convert and meet the criteria for certification. Buyers abroad are ready to pay more for the organic mangoes and donate towards the certification costs. But winning farmers from chemical spraying is a massive task. They are dependent on the contract sprayer, they cannot see how better-off they would be by going organic.
Mango is the one Philippine fruit among many that I love and together with indigenous Aeta farmers here in Zambales we are going organic. That’s because the fair trade project of Preda has been helping small impoverished farmers for the past 16 years to get higher prices for their mango and offers an added percentage payment if the mangoes are organically produced. There was a time when a price-fixing cartel controlled the industry for years and there was no competition until Preda fair trade teamed up with an emerging company called Profood in Cebu and began to create a shortage as it bought thousands of kilos of mangoes and so the shortage drove up the price and the price-fixing cartel broke up. The Preda-Profood partnership developed and marketed the delicious chemical-free dried mango that is soft, tasty and naturally sweet. It has no preservatives or any artificial additives. Pure goodness and now they are even better with the good news that this humble fruit has healing power.
Of course we all hope and pray that the health and life-giving scientific discoveries are duplicated and authenticated. But no matter what, eating Preda chemical-free dried fruit is good in itself and we all know that a healthy body and life style need lots of fruit. Dried fruit is blessed with life giving minerals and ingredients as just proven. It takes 8 kilos of fresh mango fruit to make one kilo of dried mango fruit, so the benefit is greater when eating dried mangoes. That’s what Preda fair trade has made available in many big supermarkets in the UK and Ireland and around Europe. The World Fair Trade shops are famous for selling the Preda dried mangoes and helping save children from abusers, pedophiles and pimps. In the UK and Ireland, they are sold through the Forest Feast brand with the Preda name predominately displayed on the packet.
The new scientific breakthrough has added a great new dimension to eating this dried fruit. It’s now the wise, smart and medical sound thing to do. It’s a healthy welcome gift to give to others. When you read this tell your friends the good news.
Preda FAIR TRADE project pays for the planting of over 1000 mango trees a year to help the indigenous people in the Philippine climb out of poverty. It protects the environment, cut-back CO2 and becomes a living forest habitat for all creatures, great and small. The price of mangoes has risen in recent years bringing a bonus to poor farmers. Sales keep their children in school and in the villages and safe from the traffickers and sex tourists. A percentage of sales also goes to help the victims of trafficking and abuse, while the project rescues hundreds of children and gives them a new start in life. So what greater good can one do than buy the Forest Feast/Preda brand! You never know the scientists might be right and I don’t want to miss out on the benefits so please pass me the bag of Forest Feast/Preda dried mangoes. THEY TASTE GREAT!