Field report of Donard Angeles Preda agriculturist and community organizer.
Producer’s development officer.
August 31, 2013 (Saturday)

I facilitated the tree planting activity at Maporac Aeta Organization. The activity was participated by Bunkyo University students from Japan, Students, Teachers and parents from JFK SPED Center-Subic and the community leaders and members. A total of 268 seedlings were planted ( 64 grafted mango saplings, 136 calamansi seedlings brought by JFK SPED Center and 68 forest tree seedlings bought by Bunkyo University ). In the afternoon, Chieftain Salvador Dimain gave orientation about the organization, partnership with Preda and the importance of Tree planting. After the orientation, a simple cultural presentation was done, Japanese students rendered 2 Japanese songs, the JFK students rendered Filipino song & dance, the community showed ³TALIPI² dance and an Aeta song.