Fruit tree planting project grows bigger
Preda News
10 January 2024
The “Fruit tree planting project” with the Indigenous people of the Philippines and the Preda Foundation that started with fund raising in an Austrian Fair Trade shop has expanded into Germany by Tatort-Verein.
The history of the Tatort -Verein has along history with the Preda Foundation for children. It is a charity group that was started after the Tatort Manila television episode in Cologne, Germany 26 years ago is still helping the Preda homes for children and supports projects in Africa also. This charity is supported by the famous actors of Tatort Cologne, who’s photos appear on the Logo of Tatort Verein.

Tatort famous Television actors from left to right: Jo Bausch, Dietmar Bar and Klaus J. Behrendt.
The famous actors have made numerous appearances at fund raising events organised by the long serving Managing Director Ulrike Thonniges who began the “mango” Tango in Germany last year after it was first successful launched in Austria by the Famous Fair trade shop in Eisenstadt, Founded by still active Anneluise Kämmerer, the founder almost 30 years ago.
After thousands of mango and other fruit trees were planted by the Aeta indigenous people under the very successful Eisenstadt project the brilliant idea was taken up by Tatort-Verein in 2023 to start raising funds to plant 100,000 mango trees with the Indigenous people.

This was led by Ulrike Thonniges of Tatort-Verein
This was led by Ulrike Thonniges of Tatort-Verein to follow the example of Eisenstadt and now has achieved a very successful “Mango tango” fundraising project also to help save the environment by working with the Preda foundation and the indigent people in planting thousands of more trees.
It is hoped that the Preda fruit tree planting project will expand and be taken up by other charities to help the Indigenous people protect the environment. This has being damaged by the climate change and the poor farmers have been badly affected by global warming. Besides mango trees other fruit bearing trees will also be planted. Fruit provides healthy food to the people in rural communities.
The trees give protection and nutrition to the soil, attracts rain fall, prevents landslides, gives shade to people and animals, and brings more earnings to the community. Above all trees absorbs the damaging CO2 that is causing Global warming. The trees return oxygen to the atmosphere for people and animals to breath clear air. The project helps children too as mangos are processed to mango puree and sold abroad earning funds to support the Preda’s children’s home for children rescued by the Preda Foundation.
So we at Preda on behalf of the Aeta farmers give much thanks to the on-going support of Anneluise Kämmerer of Fair trade Eisenstadt and the New project of Tatort-Verein led by Ulrike Thonniges.
The team work and collaboration is a big addition to to the help for the Aeta farmers and the children at the Preda Foundation homes for abused and exploited children, together giving them healing, rescue and New life justice and hope.

From left to right: Fr. Shay Cullen, Klaus J. Behrendt, Jo Bausch and Dietmar Bar.

Fr. Shay Cullen and Dietmar Bar.

Klaus J. Behrendt and Fr. Shay Cullen

From left to right: Klaus J. Behrendt, Fr. Shay Cullen and Dietmar Bar.

The 3 Famous Television actors from left to right: Klaus J. Behrendt, Jo Bausch, Dietmar Bar.