Ask any coffee farmer in Amadeo, Cavite, about the going price of their coffee and they will answer with a frown. Josefa de la Peña, a 77-year-old coffee grower, grimaced when told that the price being offered for Amadeo coffee was P96 per kilogram as of Friday.
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Dedicated to the reduction of poverty, the alleviation of worst forms of poverty and deprivation through livelihood development projects, skilled trainings, production cash advances and profit sharing. The Project brings to the people community improvement projects that are answering the expressed needs, meets most urgent circumstances. It works in a most relevant, effective and efficiently planned and with low administration.
It is implemented with the full democratic participation of the beneficiaries and community members. There is an integrated implementing professional team of 63 employees. This project is expanding to the production assistance, organic certification and processing and marketing of Mangos of the Indigenous “Aeta” people, the most needy and marginal of society.
Nominated three times for the Nobel Peace Prize and winner of numerous awards.
Founder and General manager
Father Shay Cullen
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